Discover The Future of Easy-to-Use Procurement Auction Site

As a sourcing manager with years of experience, I’ve always sought an easy-to-use procurement auction site or similar tools (e-auctions or e-procurement sites) to streamline my day-to-day work. The need for such a tool became clear through my various projects. When I couldn’t find a solution on the market, I decided to create one myself, hoping it would help others as well. And so, was born. The main goal? To save on expenditures and free up valuable working time.

Introducing BzCall

  • What is BzCall? The name combines “Business” (abbreviated as Bz) and “Call,” reflecting its purpose: inviting businesses (vendors) to bid on specific jobs. Simple, right?
  • Why Choose BzCall? In today’s competitive business landscape, controlling costs and expenses is crucial—not just for maximizing profits, but for survival. Over the past two decades, I’ve witnessed the ups and downs of the market. You probably have too. Maintaining market share and gaining a competitive edge is essential, especially as product and service life cycles shorten. Complacency is risky; market forces are relentless and can quickly outpace companies that fail to innovate. offers a way to step out of that comfort zone and make procurement auctions by reducing costs by 10-30% (or more with thorough preparation).

Key Benefits of BzCall

  1. Cost Reduction: Significantly cut down expenses.
  2. Reduced Lead Time: Speed up procurement processes.
  3. Vendor Improvement: Encourage vendors to elevate their performance.
  4. Fair Competition: Ensure a transparent and equitable bidding process.
  5. Minimized Nepotism: Reduce favoritism in vendor selection.
  6. Expanded Supplier Pool: Access a broader range of vendors.
  7. Time Savings: Allow sourcing managers to focus on other essential tasks.
  8. Confidence in Deals: Be assured of securing the best market deals.

Who Benefits from BzCall?

  • Sourcing Managers
  • Procurement Managers
  • Buyers
  • Supply Chain Managers
  • Project Managers
  • Small Business Managers and Owners
  • Cost Estimators
  • Technical Engineers
  • NPI Team Members


BzCall offers an efficient and effective solution to reduce expenditures and save time in procurement processes. Whether you’re a sourcing manager, procurement manager, or small business owner, BzCall is designed to help you thrive in a competitive market.

Discover how BzCall can revolutionize your procurement processes today!

Written by Gert

Last time edited: 11.07.2024

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