
1. Registration 👉 Free (€0)
2. Procurement auction preparation and submission 👉 Free (€0) 
3. Cancelling procurement auction without any bids 👉 Free (€0)
4. Unsuccessful procurement auction (no bids) 👉 Free (€0) 
5. Submitting a bid👉 Free (€0) 
6. Are there any monthly or hidden fees? 👉 No (€0) 

7. Successful procurement auction commission fee calculation methods (received at least one bid)
👉 *The lowest bid is smaller or equal 25€, commission fee is only 2€ (excluding the taxes e.g. VAT)

For example: if the lowest bid value is 10€, the invoiced commission fee will be 2€ (excluding the taxes)

👉 **The lowest bid is greater than €25, a commission of 3.9% of the bid value will apply (excluding the taxes e.g. VAT)

For example: if the lowest bid value is 100€, the invoiced commission fee will be 3,90€ (excluding the taxes)

*Accepted payment methods 

  • Online banks
  • Payment cards (Visa & Mastercard, Google Pay)
  • Wire transfer

Last updated: 03.06.2024 

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