How it works

“Procurement auctions can reduce any costs by 10-30% on average, sometimes even more, but it depends on the details of the set-up, timing, number of vendors, business cycle etc.”

1. So, you`ve got a wish to reduce the costs? 💡
2. Create a procurement auction by following 5 steps  ✍️
3. Invite at least two vendors to submit the bids 📢
4. The vendors make the bidding live 🤼
5. The lowest bidder is the winner of the auction 👏
6. Confirmation and exchange of contacts between the auctioneer and the lowest bidder 🤝
7. The successful auction’s commission is paid by the auctioneer 🧾 
8. Hoping to reduce costs 🏆 and save money 💰

Last updated: 07.05.2023 

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